Ted Turner, ca. 1986
California Condor from Vanishing Animals, 1986
Douc Langur from Vanishing Animals, 1986
Giant Chaco Peccary from Vanishing Animals, 1986
Soemmerring's Gazelle from Vanishing Animals, 1986
Sumatra's Rhinoceros from Vanishing Animals, 1986
Details of a Renaissance Painting (Sandro Botticelli Birth of Venus, 1482) (F. & S. II.319), 1984
Details Of Renaissance Paintings (Sandro Botticelli, Birth Of Venus, 1482) (F. & S. II.318), 1984
Diana Vreeland Rampant, 1984
Kiku (F. & S. 307-309), 1983
Dollar Sign, 1981
Superman (F. & S. II.260), 1981
The Shadow, from Myths (F. & S. II.267), 1981
Albert Einstein, from Ten Portraits of Jews of the Twentieth Century (F. & S. 229), 1980
Self-Portrait, 1977
Mao (F. & S. II.97), 1972
Electric Chair (F. & S. II.81), 1971
Brillo (Pasadena Art Museum Exhibition Poster), 1970
Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn) (F. & S. II.24), 1967
Cow (F&S II.11), 1966
Flowers, 1964