Yoshitomo Nara, Untitled, 2005
Yayoi Kusama, A Pumpkin (BY), 2004
Yayoi Kusama, A Pumpkin (RT), 2004
Yayoi Kusama, A Pumpkin (RY), 2004
Yayoi Kusama, A Pumpkin (YB-A), 2004
Richard Hamilton, Chiara & Chair, 2004
Ellsworth Kelly, Orange, 2004
Edward Ruscha, Other, 2004
Bernd Zimmer, Spiegelung I, 2004
Bernd Zimmer, Mittsommer, Rot, 2003/2005
Clyde Hopkins, The French Civic Bundle, 2003-04
Yayoi Kusama, A Pumpkin (T), 2003
Bernd Zimmer, Cosmos I – A, 2003
Bernd Zimmer, Cosmos II – B, 2003
Bernd Zimmer, Cosmos III, 2003
Yoshitomo Nara, Guitar Girl, 2003
Yoshitomo Nara, In the Cloud, 2003
Bernd Zimmer, Namib Dune II, 2003
Ellsworth Kelly, Red, 2003
Bridget Riley, Two Blues, 2003
Vija Celmins, Night Sky 2 (Reversed), 2002
Edward Ruscha, Sin-Without, 2002
Vija Celmins, Untitled (Web 3), 2002
Vija Celmins, Untitled (Web 4), 2002
Brice Marden, Beyond Eagles Mere, 2001
Brice Marden, Beyond Eagles Mere 2, 2001
Ellsworth Kelly, Blue/Black/Red/Green, 2001
Ellsworth Kelly, Dark Blue, 2001
Ellsworth Kelly, Green - SOLD, 2001
Ellsworth Kelly, Orange, 2001
Brice Marden, Red Line Muses, 2001
Brice Marden, Richard's Muse, 2001
Ellsworth Kelly, Blue Curve (Black State), 2000
Duane Bousfield, Cubed Spheres , 2000
Brice Marden, Distant Muses, 2000
Ellsworth Kelly, Green Curve, 2000
Helen Frankenthaler, Grey Fireworks, 2000
Duane Bousfield, Ice Mountain, 2000
Duane Bousfield, Mountainside, 2000
Bernd Zimmer, Namib, 2000
Bernd Zimmer, Namib, 2000
Yayoi Kusama, Pumpkin B, 2000
Duane Bousfield, Sandstorm, 2000
Brice Marden, Line Muses, 1999-2001
Sol LeWitt, Arcs and Bands in Colors A - F, 1999
Bernd Zimmer, Cosmos, 1999
Duane Bousfield, Delphi, 1999
Imi Knoebel, Gelbe Fahne, 1999
Duane Bousfield, Lovescape, 1999
Bernd Zimmer, Namib, 1999
Ellsworth Kelly, Red Curve, 1999
Lee Ufan, Correspondance, 1998
Robert Rauschenberg, L.A. Uncovered #1, 1998
Robert Rauschenberg, L.A. Uncovered #10, 1998
Yayoi Kusama, Pumpkin (RSQ), 1998
Helen Frankenthaler, Tales of Genji I, 1998
Imi Knoebel, Tür und Tor, 1998
Sol LeWitt, Curvy Brushstrokes (Color), 1997
Duane Bousfield, In the Zone, 1997
Sol LeWitt, Irregular Arcs From Four Sides (with Black Border), 1997
Yayoi Kusama, Madder-Colored Cloud, 1997
Yayoi Kusama, Nets B.O., 1997
Duane Bousfield, The Mountaintop, 1997
Ellsworth Kelly, Untitled, 1997
Sol LeWitt, Wavy Lines with Black Border, 1997
Günther Förg, Coda, 1996-1998
Dan Flavin, Untitled (Triptych), 1996-1998
Sol LeWitt, Bands of color in Different Directions (Diptych), 1996
James Rosenquist, Fireworks for President Clinton, 1996
Sol LeWitt, Irregular Wavy Bands, 1996
Edgar Negret, Maiz (Corn), 1996
Bernd Zimmer, Marae, 1996
Roy Lichtenstein, Venetian School I, 1996
Bernd Zimmer, Himmel, 1995
Frank Stella, Riallaro, 1995
Robert Mangold, Semi-Circle II, 1995
Robert Mangold, Untitled, 1995
Duane Bousfield, Bearing the Light, 1994
Duane Bousfield, Emerald Window, 1994
Yayoi Kusama, Meditation, 1994
of 10