Press release
Upsilon Gallery is pleased to announce ”Bernd Zimmer: On Paper,” the artist’s first solo show with the gallery. Opening on October 12 at 146 West 57th Street, the exhibition will feature a selection of unique works on paper by the artist.

Nature, largely untouched by man, is the central theme of Bernd Zimmer, who has been working as a painter for more than four decades on motifs such as landscape, vegetation, night sky, weather phenomena, and water. However, he does not strive to depict these motifs as accurately as possible, but rather to formulate them freely in the autonomous painting process,” wrote Dr. René Hirner on the occasion of Bernd’s exhibition “Alles fließt” at Galerie Wolfgang Jahn. Today, the German painter is internationally renowned. In 2020, he realized a long-held dream by mounting STOA169, a permanent installation in Bavaria, Germany featuring a hall of columns designed by over a hundred artists from around the world.