Richard Serra
On Paper
Upsilon Gallery is pleased to present "On Paper," a solo artist OVR dedicated to the late American sculptor Richard Serra. The exhibition gathers 12 prints produced as the result of a close collaboration with Gemini G.E.L. in Los Angeles. Throughout his career, he made over 200 printed works and like his sculpture and drawing, his prints reflect an interest in process, scale, and experimentation with material.
Richard Serra, Paths and Edges #10, 2007
After pushing lithography to its limit, Serra began to work with silkscreen to produce a unique surface in his prints. He did so by first applying a layer of ink onto the paper. He then would apply a layer of paintstick through the second screen creating a saturated and textured surface. Serra continued to work with this unconventional silkscreen technique, and later sometimes combining it with etching and aquatint.
Richard Serra: On Paper
Past viewing_room